Satisfaction survey solution

Customer satisfaction survey feedback, simplified

With Orion Survey you offer easy to use satisfaction survey to improve the customer satisfaction.


How works Orion Survey for your satisfaction survey?

Orion Survey is a software, easily and quickly configurable to meet all your survey needs: it allows to collect, measure, analyze the perception of your customers and visitors.

Take a big step towards your customers satisfaction!

Did your service meet expectations? Are you particularly strong in some areas, and where can you improve? Find out by asking your customers and analyzing the data gathered!

Collecting customer feedback shouldn’t be complicated.
Our easy-to-use solution measures the voice of your customer so you can take action and provide an exceptional experience.

Orion Survey is going to help you:


Ensure optimal customer footfall!

To measure, optimize and manage occupancy limits.

At the end of the interview

The collaborator invites the customer to answer a survey.

This one is accessible on a touchscreen oriented towards the customer to leave him free of his answers and
to maximize response rate.


A kiosk or a tablet is available off the counters. The customer can answer the survey confidentially, for a better rate of sincerity.


A kiosk is available self-service in the waiting room or at the exit in order to survey your customers on any subject of your choice.